Sunday, May 20, 2012

Getting Bigger

Cooper is getting bigger.  He is now 55cm (22.6 inches) long and weighs 4570g (10 lbs.).  He is looking around much more and likes pulling Ellie’s hair.  He has started to raise his hands.  Ellie and I pretend that he is raising his hand to say something and we stop talking and wait. Then one of us makes up something for him to say and then we laugh.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cooper and Ellie

Ellie and I were playing in the playroom with Cooper getting a little mat time next to us.  Ellie took many pictures of Cooper with my camera and then finally let me take a few pictures of the two of them.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Big Sister Helping

Ellie is a great big sister.  She is always willing to help Cooper by putting a blanket over him, signing to him, cuddling and kissing or giving him back his dummy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's Official

Cooper’s name is official, Cooper Richard Bowers Lear; we have filled out all the paperwork!