Friday, August 31, 2012

Look at me!

Cooper is finally growing into his hair.  He is getting much stronger and loves pulling his big sisters hair.  He is very drooly and loves putting anything into his mouth.  His biggest challenge is how to put things in his mouth when his hand is in there.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

All Smiles

Cooper is enjoying his mat time.  He grabs the rings and looks all around for another toy.  He is now comfortable being on his side while playing but hasn’t flipped over to his tummy by himself.  Victoria has seen him flip from his tummy to back a few times.  I haven’t been so lucky!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Putting Cooper to Sleep

Cooper loves his sleeps, especially when they are in his bed and not in the car, in his car seat traveling to one of the many big sisters’ activities.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Cooper Updates

Cooper is getting bigger and stronger.  He can hold his head up most of the time now and has a very good kick; he loves to do this when we are changing his nappies.  He will turn his head when he hears Mummy’s or Ellie’s voice and talks a lot when he is tired.  He has a strong grip and will grad anything he can from Ellie’s hair to the rings in his play gym.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Crazy Hair

Cooper was born with more hair than I have and it has continued to fill in and grow.  After his bath it is very curly and after a nap it is sticking straight up.