Thursday, September 20, 2012


Cooper is making even more sounds now and can make bubbles with his lips.  He is getting much stronger and rolling onto his side. I finally was able to see him roll over from his tummy to his back yesterday.  When he is sleepy he starts waving his right hand and arm all around.

He is now strong enough to hold him like an airplane for a short time.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Victoria started Cooper on solids last week, just very basic apples and baby rice.  While he ate it and made a mess, he didn’t seem to be into the solid food.  We are going to wait a few weeks and try it again.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cooper Update

Cooper just had his 5 month check-up.  He is 7.66 kg (16.8 pounds) and is 65 cm (25.6 inches) long.  This puts in the 50% for weight and in the 25% for height.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking Around

Cooper is very aware of the world around him.  He loves to look out our backdoor, the leaves blowing on a tree, at his crazy sister running around, computer screens and his Mummy.