Monday, October 29, 2012

Where is the Giraffe

Cooper was trying to keep up with Ellie and the Giraffe.  He was following its travels with his eyes and putting it in his mouth when he could grab it from her.  Then he couldn’t find it!  Poor Cooper didn’t know the giraffe was lying on his head.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Cooper is now rolling from his tummy to his back almost every time he is on his tummy.  He is trying to crawl lying on his back, with no luck.  Ellie has given him a few more crawling lessons but he just gives her big smiles and watches.  He is spinning on his back to face the windows, anyone talking, or his fish book.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cooper and Ellie

Cooper loves his big sister.  Once he hears her voice he will have a huge smile on his face.  She will sing to him in a very high pitch and he will just lay there and listen.  This morning Ellie let him hold her fingers and he put one of hers in his mouth.  Ellie said it was gross and then let him do it again and again.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tiger Ears

Apparently, Giraffe Kiwi bird Christopher (Cooper) doesn’t know that he is not a tiger.

These are Ellie’s tiger ears and surprisingly they fit on Cooper.  He wasn’t even bothered having these on his head.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Not Quite Moving

Cooper surprised us by rolling from his back to his tummy for the first time this weekend.  Victoria had him on his tummy yesterday and he was rocking back and forth trying very hard to move. 

Cooper will be smiling and laughing then as I get ready to take the picture he puts on his straight face.  If I move the camera to the side and he can see my face he will have a huge smile then as I go to take the picture I get this face again.