Saturday, December 29, 2012

Push Up

Cooper is doing push-ups all the time now.  He will push up on all fours (hands and feet) and rock back and forth.  He doesn’t know what to do then so he just flops down on his belly.  Once or twice he has pushed himself up to his hands and knees.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Want My Toy

Cooper plays rough and will toss or roll his toys around.  Most of the time they don’t go far and he can stretch out and retrieve them.  Sometimes he doesn’t know his own strength and the toys go flying out of his reach.  Since he can’t go forward yet and he doesn’t know to turn around and push himself backwards, the toys remain out of his reach.  Sometimes is gets them by luck and others he just gets frustrated.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First Tooth Picture

A few days after the “First Tooth” blog, I was able to capture a picture of his tooth.  He now has a second one coming in right to the first one.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from all of us.  We hope all of your Christmas wishes come true.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Visiting Santa

Cooper had his first visit with Santa.  He looked at all the Christmas trees and lights while watching Ellie go from one display to the next.  He wasn’t too sure about Santa at first but did a great job sitting on Ellie’s knee while on Santa.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Stuck Sleeping

It is getting hot here and during the day Cooper doesn’t wear much when napping.  Victoria found Cooper sound asleep like this the other day and called down to me to take his picture.  I couldn’t believe he could sleep like this!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On The Move

Cooper is on the move, at least backwards.  He will spin himself around and slide backwards.  He doesn’t like laying on his back much anymore and will always roll over.  He also sleeps on his belly.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Cooper will stare in the camera waiting for me to take a picture just to close his eyes.  He is reacting to the sound of the camera even if I am at the other end of the table.  He will be smiling and making funny faces at me right until I put the camera to my eye, then he gives me this look again.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Loving Mummy

Cooper just adores his Mummy.  He gives her the biggest smiles each time he sees her.  While taken a few pictures, Victoria came in and Cooper looked at her with his loving expression.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Cooper’s First Christmas Tree

It was a hot December day when we all went to pick out this year’s Christmas tree.  Cooper doesn’t understand  Christmas yet but Ellie is trying to explain it all to him.

Monday, December 10, 2012

First Tooth

Cooper's first tooth came through today.  Victoria discovered it this morning and Ellie was so excited for Cooper.  They both called me right away and Ellie told me the good news.  It is the bottom right front tooth.

Sorry, no picture yet.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Cooper is very excited to be eating solids.  He knows when it is food time and if there isn’t food ready, he will let you know it is his food time.  Any time the spoon gets near his mouth, he opens it up as wide as he can.