Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cooper and Ellie

They love each other so much.  Cooper is always looking for Ellie and has a big smile for her when he finds her.  He laughs at anything Ellie does and even lets Ellie pick him up.  Ellie always wants to be there in the morning to wake Cooper up and always goes to say good night to him.  She is now picking him up (which scares both Victoria and I but Cooper doesn’t seem to mind) and loves to dress him.  Last night, I had him in his PJ's.  Ellie and Cooper had a little more play time before bed and when I came in to check on them, Ellie had changed Cooper into one of my shirts that Ellie has commandeered for her PJ's.  The wanted me to pick him up show she could show off her handy work to Mummy.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I'm Awake

Cooper enjoys the quiet time in his cot.  He wakes up slowly and will look at you if you check on him but he isn’t ready to get up.  So cute!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Cooper enjoys feeding himself everything from bread and butter sandwiches to cut up blueberries.  He does leave a mess around is chair but he is getting better with food getting into his mouth.  This meal was an exception.  Victoria had put the pasta back in the bowl at least 2 times before I took this picture.  I guess he didn’t want pasta for dinner!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sitting Up

A few weeks ago Cooper started sitting up by himself.  Now, he acts like he has known how to sit up forever.  He will move somewhere and then just sit up; even if he wants just to look the other direction he will sit up and look around.