Thursday, May 16, 2013

Cooper and Ellie

They will search for each other and make plenty of noise when they find the other.  If Ellie is laying down, Cooper will crawl on top of her and lay his head on her tummy. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Really Not Sleeping

In our old house, Cooper would wake up from a nap and open the shutters covering his windows.  You could hear this from anywhere in the house as they always went BANG.  If he was up to early and you went up to his room, he would quickly lay down and put his thumb in his mouth and give you that “It wasn’t me” look.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Standing Up

Cooper is now puling himself up on everything.  He likes pulling the fruit off of the kids table in the kitchen.  This black table seems to be his favourite thing.  He likes moving the bowl and about 15 minutes after this picture was taken Cooper came into the kitchen looking for some food.  When I looked around the corner the lamp was on the floor.  Now, the table stays empty.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Finger Prints

As Victoria was working hard to get our house ready for the first open home, Cooper was getting his grubby hands all over the just cleaned windows!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Ellie was adamant that Cooper needed a cake or at least cupcakes for his birthday.  Cooper was very excited to try his first cupcake.