Saturday, June 29, 2013


Ellie isn’t the only one that has been having fun at the beach.  Cooper has found this swing and enjoys swinging very much.  He will watch Ellie run around or climb while swinging or having a small snack.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Childhood Hat

Cooper was wearing my childhood hat from Disneyland until he spotted me and the camera.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cooper on the Loose

While Cooper was very happy to be out of his pram, he wasn’t very interested in sitting still.  This was the only picture of him here on the loose at the beach.  Right after this picture; he tasted some grass and then crawled as fast as he could to get away from me! It’s a good thing he isn’t walking yet.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cat Door

While the cat was nowhere to be found, Cooper took the opportunity to use his door for Lego removal.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sitting Still?

There is no chance Cooper will sit still for anything let alone me taking photos.  I was lucky enough to get these shots because Ellie was about 10 feet away on a giant tree swing and Cooper was trying to get her attention.  Already he wants to do everything his big sister does.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Just last weekend Cooper started to stand up by himself.  We watched him for a few days as he tried very hard to stand but always fell on his bottom.  Then on Thursday night, Ellie said she saw him standing.  On Friday I finally watched him stand up and Victoria, who just missed the Friday night standing, watched him stand on Saturday morning.  He is now standing all the time.  He will clap or make Cooper noises if he is standing for what he considers a long time.  Ellie is now holding his hands and trying to make him walk everywhere.

This post jumps ahead in the Cooper timeline.