Thursday, October 30, 2014


Cooper loves the idea of Halloween.  He talks all about it all the time.  Cooper will get Ellie to trick or treat with him, giving each other different coloured blocks.  Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Cooper is trying hard to blow up his balloon, like his sister.  He will try and try until it is all wet, then he will run to Ellie and ask her to blow it up for him.  She can’t tie balloons yet so it will black off around the room and then the process starts all over again.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cooper’s Fashion

Cooper is getting picky about the cloths he wears.  Most of the time we tell him the shirts he wears are from his friend Sam.  He asks for Sam’s shirts when we are dressing him and now he normally will also sleep in Sam’s shirts.  This morning he was showing off a hat that Aunt Kathy gave him.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Nap Time

This is the only time of day that Cooper isn’t running around!  He is dropping his afternoon naps and will only take one 3 times a week.  He will take all sorts of things to bed with him; from books to Ellie’s stuffed animals and freezer blocks (they have to be frozen).

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Trouble - New Stool

This is Victoria’s new stool that Cooper is so excited about.  He now takes this much taller stool around the house to get into even more things.  In 2 days he figured out how to climb up and sit on it without the aid of a wall or a cabinet. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dressing Up for Breakfast

We never know how the kids will show up to the table, it’s a constant surprise.  Cooper has had some interesting outfits lately for breakfast.  In the second picture you can a “Doo to Doo” (cardboard roll) and “Ock” the freeze block Cooper is currently sleeping with.