Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The kids were so excited to decorate the Christmas tree.  They didn’t wait for us and started with Grandma and Granddad!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Cooper's Star

Cooper kept asking us where the star at the top of the tree was.  We told him we didn’t have one but that wasn’t good enough for him.  So, he helped us make and colour one for the tree!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Cooper’s Little Tree

Grandad created a special Cooper only Christmas tree on our deck!  Cooper was so excited he showed everyone.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Our Christmas Tree

With no chance of snow and wearing shorts we set off to cut down our Christmas Tree.  The kids were excited to see our tree that we found a few weeks before.  Ellie checked the truck to make sure there was the “E” and “C” that she painted.  Granddad was busy bringing the tree to the car and the kids gathered around Grandma for an American treat she had in her bag!

Thanks Grandad for helping cut and carry our tree!  I put my back out a few days before with the help of a little monster (Cooper) who decided to jump on me while I was in a strange position.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Bouncing with Granddad

Cooper loves all of the attention from Granddad and Grandma.  Cooper was bouncing high on Granddad’s knee and ended with a few tickles as he rolled off the couch.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Ginger Bread houses

Grandma and Granddad came to visit us before Christmas and brought the kids Ginger Bread houses to make.   The kids wanted to make them right away!  They had so much fun building them.  It seemed like they ate more of the lollies then they were putting on the houses.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Return of E

E returned to us on December 1st and the kids were so glad to see him.  Ellie made him a chair again this year and E happily sat in it.    This year he seems to be testing his boundaries and his cheekiness.  This night, he decided to eat one of my Reese’s Peanut butter cups and proudly display the wrapper.
Yes, this blog is very far behind.  We are just getting to Christmas.  I don’t want to skip ahead, there is too much that has happened!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

No more Bubble Juice

Poor Cooper, He ran out of bubble juice and was not happy about it at all!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Pet Spider

Cooper doesn’t like bugs, worms or spiders.  This day he asked us to remove a spider that was bothering him but he wanted to look at it.  We placed it in the bowl and he carried it around the house. 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Who is the fairest one of all?

While this question normally takes place in Fairy Tales, Ellie and Cooper brought it to our house a few mornings ago.  During the night, Victoria was moving items around the house and decided to put a mirror in the kids’ room while they were sleeping.  In the morning, they were excited to see the mirror in their room and kept going into the room to look at themselves.  While I was busy making breakfast, I heard arguing and Cooper came out crying because Ellie didn’t want to be his friend.  Then I heard Ellie say that was because he punched or pushed her.  I asked cooper what had happened and he kept saying something about it not being fair, I couldn’t really understand him.  Ellie then came out and when I asked her what wasn’t fair, she said I had it all wrong.  Cooper wasn’t saying it wasn’t fair, he was saying fairest.  He wanted to be the fairest one of all and apparently the mirror and Ellie had said she was the fairest one of all today!

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Cooper is getting much better at blowing bubbles.  He can blow softly to create bigger bubbles or hard to blow lots and lots of bubbles.  He is very rough when it comes to dipping his bubble wand into the bubble juice.  Also, don’t get to close to him as you will get splashed with bubble juice from his wand as he spins and spins around trying to make bubble.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hand Turkey

Is there a better way to celebrate Thanksgiving, then creating hand turkeys?  Cooper loved tracing his hand and coloring the hand turkey.   Ellie came up with the turkey flag idea and put many straws together for the flag pole.  Yes, they also tried drinking out of the 3 or 4 linked straws!