Friday, July 29, 2016

Melty Sand Man

It had been a few months since my parents left and Christmas past when the paper bag in my closet started to bother me.  It was taking up space and it was time to figure out what was in there.  Too my surprise, it was the funny Christmas project I had my parents bring out for me to give them.  With Christmas in the middle of the New Zealand summer, I thought this modelling sand snowman would be a fun project.  It was, the kids had a blast making many different types of snowman.  Cleaning up the sand mess, that’s another story.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Water Fun with Friends

It was hot day and Ellie had a friend over.  The kids choose to cool off by running, sipping, chasing, jumping over and squirting water on each other. Even Cooper was brave enough to get his head and hair wet.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

All Dressed Up

Ellie and a very good friend were putting on a musical show for us staring an amazing twirling dancer, Cooper!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Ellie Swimming

Cooper is a very good sport when it comes to Ellie’s swimming.  For the longest time Cooper has watched Ellie swim and now he watches twice a week.  His lessons are now on the same day but earlier so he still sits through both lessons.  Sometimes he watches the tv with other kids and other times he plays games on my phone.  We also started bringing Legos to practice our counting and addiction.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Train Ride

Victoria surprised all of us with a short train ride while we were downtown.   Ellie and Cooper were very excited.  They couldn’t stop talking about the train ride, the underground train station and the fact that I put our tickets in Cooper’s shirt pocket and then lost them.  Good thing I still had the receipt!

Monday, July 18, 2016


It was a hot day and Cooper liked the idea of playing in and with the sprinkler.  He isn’t too sure about getting his head wet yet, at least he is playing in the water.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Cooper Care

Ellie prepared Cooper a very confrontable bed along with his favorite toys for a nice afternoon rest.  Cooper simple loves getting attention from his sister.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Christmas Day

After a very busy morning of waking Mummy and Daddy as early as possible to opening presents and family Skype calls, the afternoon is always more relaxed.  Cooper decided to use the afternoon to tease the girls while they were swimming and eat all the yummy food he could!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Cooper was very excited to received his own Pez dispenser. He worked hard to fill it and didn’t want anyone to help him.  I do think that a few went in his mouth in the process.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Launching the Helicopter

Cooper’s friend has this exciting Hot Wheel set that launches a helicopter as the car drives through the tower and down the ramp.  Cooper played with it for a long time and showed everyone how he could make the helicopter take off. 

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Feeding A Fish

There is one gold fish in this little pond, called Goldie.  When summer comes around, Goldie comes out of hiding and Cooper like to try to find her hiding among the plants.  This day after finding her, Cooper had the chance to feed her.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Baking with Grandma

The kids know when Grandma is around, there will always be a yummy baking project to help with!  They have learned the best part about baking is taste testing the ingredients before they are mixed in and after as long as the eggs haven’t been added.

Friday, July 8, 2016


After trying a few spots for a Grandparent and Grandkid photo, this one of them walking down the beach came out perfect!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Few Quiet Minutes

These days, Cooper rarely slows down.  It was amazing to see him just hanging out with Grandma.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Showing Off

Ellie and Cooper were showing Grandma and Granddad how high they can swing.  This currently is Cooper’s favourite swing and he never wants to get out of it!  Ellie is now confident standing up and swinging it very high, too high for me to be comfortable.