June 5, 2016
Poor Cooper hasn’t had the best luck at the
beach, first the jelly fish and now this!
Cooper didn’t want to get to wet this day
and was staying out of the surf. He
decided that building sand castles was the plan and ask me if I would help
him. Our first castle was over come from
the surf and quickly disappeared. As we
were digging up sand for the second one, I noticed something moving in the
sand. It was right next to Cooper’s
hand. He noticed it a second later and
quickly moved away. Then I used our
shovel and moved some sand. With the
water washing away a little more sand we caught a glimpse of a crap. That was all Cooper need to see, as he went
running and screaming up the beach to the safety of Mummy. He wouldn’t even come down when all the kids
were looking at it.