Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Plane Ride

Cooper was very excited to finally be on a plane.  He had his pillow, drink bottle and new headphones.  He was very confrontable.  Ellie showed him how to use the tv.  During the flight, Victoria and Cooper moved back a couple of rows and Cooper was able to lay down and sleep for a good portion of the flight.  

If you were wondering about the scratch on his forehead.  That is what happens when I am in charge of the kids.  With two days to go before the flight and family pictures two days after Christmas; Cooper, Ellie and I were down at the beach eating our bread rolls while sitting on the bench.  (We do this at least 2 to 3 times a month.)  Then Ellie and I looked over at Cooper as he proceeded to move over and simple fell head first onto the sidewalk.  Then the next day he scraped his knee while walking down the driveway to get the mail.

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