Sunday, September 4, 2016

Jelly Fish - Camping Part 3

This wasn’t the greatest end to a camping trip.  Before packing up, we all went to the beach for one last play in the water and sand castle building.  Cooper found a blue “bubble” and picked it up.  He brought it over to me to show me how it was sticking to his finger.  Then we noticed many, many more on the beach.  I told Cooper to put it down before I told him what it was.  They were blue jelly fish that could sting and told Cooper not to touch them.  Cooper, Ellie and their friend were very curious about them.  We made a swimming pool in the sand for the jellyfish so they could look at them without being to close.   We used shovels to bring the beached jelly fish to their pool.  Everything was going well until Cooper forgot to watch where he was walking and stepped on one (not anywhere by our jellyfish pool).  Poor Cooper, now he has another reason to not like the beach.  It took a while for him to calm down, good thing Victoria had packed some vinegar and the iPad.  Cooper stayed seated and relaxed while we packed up our camp site.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Poor Cooper!
He is such a trooper then to have this happen.